Monday, April 27, 2009

Cracker Country

I was able to go with Selah on my first field trip last Wednesday and it was AWESOME. We went to Cracker Country at the Fair Grounds and learn alot about "old Florida". As you can see she learned how to wash clothes with a wash board, make butter, candles, and rope, plus see how school USED to be!

Friday, April 17, 2009

A beautiful Easter

The Easter Bunny came to see Selah a few too many times with WAY too much candy!

Friday, April 10, 2009

The Girls

Just some more photos of Selah and Marin having a blast together!


We headed to Daytona last Thursday night for a show that the Harmonious Hunks were on (that is the new name of Byron's quartet..pretty funny, huh!) then went up to Jacksonville for the remainder of the weekend. The quartet did GREAT, scoring 51 points higher than ever before and qualifying to go to California in July. It was a FUN weekend.

Selah's Leprachan Trap

This is the Leprechaun Trap Selah made for school. Unfortunately she did not catch a leprechaun, he took her gold, but did leave his shirt in her trap and some candy so she knew she almost got him! It was a really fun project for all of us.
PS...The little blue box in the back right corner was a port-a-potty for him! :)